Friday, May 9, 2014

Too Old For The 16 Minute Club

Today I got an email offering a 10% discount to the 16 minute club. I'd never heard of it before, but it said it was a program sort of like Birchbox but for nursing mothers. In other words, they send you a box of goodies to meet your breast feeding needs every six weeks. Mailed right to your door. SWEET! Right?! 

I went to their website, to find out more deets on what seemed to be a fabulous program! This sounds awesome! Is it too good to be true? 

I entered in Landon's birthday, and there's only one box left that we could receive. The last box. In other words, we are getting TOO OLD to receive any sort of breast feeding pampering. We are headed straight for that awkward, post-first-year breast feeding stage. Not because it's awkward for us, but because it's awkward in our society to breast feed past a year. The fact that this awesome program drops off at just one year clearly suggests that it's true. In just over a month, it won't matter whether I cover up, where I feed him or how. It'll just be awkward because he's past one year. 

I know a lot of people wean at a year. A lot keep going, but you don't really hear as much about it. I don't see any sign of us stopping any time soon. Landon loves his "milkies." He nurses when he's hungry, when he's thirsty, when he needs comforting and he nurses to sleep. I'm a little bit proud for making it to my ONE year goal! What an incredible journey it's been!! 

It does make me a little sad that The 16 Club just stops at a year. I don't think it's very supportive of those of us who choose to keep going. Whatever. I'll throw myself a little pamper party for saving thousands of dollars on formula! BOOYA! ;) 

What are your thoughts surrounding breast feeding past a year? What's appropriate? What's not? 

1 comment:

  1. HI Donna - I'm Wendy, the founder of the 16 Minute Club - I'm a huge fan of breastfeeding longer than a year - the 16 Minute Club is my start up idea, I have curated and written all of the information for each box. I do intend to extend the boxes beyond one year - I also plan to offer some specialty boxes (back to work, twins, daddy box, etc). So sorry to give the impression that I don't support extended breastfeeding, my friends and family will tell you differently. It's just I had to start somewhere and wanted to see if the concept caught on before investing more. Thanks for checking out my site and for supporting breastfeeding - I would love to meet you sometime and we can exchange ideas, I'll be in Denver for MommyCon next weekend - are you attending? Sincerely, Wendy
